Our Vision
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Our Vision
At InnoFund, we don’t just help you look back on your R&D efforts for tax credits — we help shape your future. Every other R&D tax specialist can assist you in filing retrospective claims, and some can even provide guidance on keeping your records contemporaneously. But at InnoFund, we go further.
Designed for those that believe innovation is the cornerstone of progress, and that with the right tools, they can not only unlock the full potential of their R&D efforts but also SecuRD™ the future of their business with maximum security – we think it is the safest way to claim R&D Tax credits in the UK.
Benefits of SecuRD™
Become more innovative
“InnoFund are the first tax advisor we have used that has shaped our innovation. Dr Brent actually wrote research papers on the very subject matter of our R&D, he knew where we were limited and helped us partner with a University to complete the research we needed to move to the next stage of development. InnoFund continue to add value by providing the tools and advice we need to successfully commercialise our innovation” – Tech Director, Composite Manufacturer
Go beyond the transactional advisor-client relationship and collaborate with a firm that values your innovation as much as you do. SecuRD™ gives you access to the best minds and tools to increase your chances of successful innovation and commercialisation.
Benefits of SecuRD™
Build a Culture of Innovation
“It can be difficult to get the engineering team motivated about R&D tax credits, but InnoFund’s tools allowed us to see who was contributing to the R&D Tax proccess so that we could reward individuals with the best contributions to the process” – Direct Tax Manager
SecuRD™ tracks contributions so you can recognise individuals and overall team performance.
Benefits of SecuRD™
Forward thinking risk-mitigation
“InnoFund reviewed our commercial contracts and operations and uncovered potential problems we could encounter under the new merged scheme. Their insight allowed us to make the necessary changes to our operations and safeguard more projects under the new merged scheme, SecuRD™ as a methodology is forward thinking.” – Head of Tax, Construction
Get ahead of the myriad of legislative changes to the R&D Tax scheme, minimise risks related to non-compliance with HMRC, reduce the potential for costly disputes or rejected claims and safeguard more of your tax benefit by making sure your organisation is set up to SecuRD™ tax relief.
Benefits of SecuRD™
Security & Compliance
“We hear of many R&D Tax horror stories and we wanted certainty that our claims were eligible. InnoFund used an external professor to provide an independent review and witness statement about our R&D which gave us certainty that we were eligible for R&D Tax credits.” – Group CFO, Global Insurance Company
Through independent verification and industry benchmarking, SecuRD™ gives you a second opinion so you can claim R&D Tax credits with confidence.
SecuRD™ Explanation
Consultancy 4.0
“It’s like having InnoFund in the office 24/7, we were already keeping contemporaneous records through our ERP but SecuRD™ was a game changer whenever we set up internal meetings virtually, we could invite their SecuRD Bot which would take a transcript of our internal tech discussions” – R&D Manager
What is SecuRD™?
InnoFund’s proprietary methodology that incorporates a suite of innovative tools including AI, Machine Learning from R&D Data and ISO-accredited software to provide a completely new R&D Tax credit experience.
Expert-Driven R&D Support
It extends beyond the experts at InnoFund’s including an external panel of academics and is the birthchild of 50+ years of combined experience in defending the most R&D tax claims in the UK, R&D Lifecycle consulting, R&D Tax and HMRC dispute resolution with input from professors, tax lawyers, patent attorneys and ex-HMRC inspectors.